Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Yes it's true. The Azzuri,the team no one wanted to make the final has qualified.

I cannot fucking believe it! I wish it wasn't true.

And that bloody Grosso has done it again! Yes, the same Grosso who so famously dived across Aussie Superhero Lucas Neill to win his dirty team a penalty in the only way they know how, by cheating. That dirty cheat Grosso scored the decisive goal in the 118th minute, the ball was passed out to him and in his attempt to fling himself across the box to win another bodgy penalty, he accidently got his foot to the ball and it was in. Goodbye Germany.

Oh yeah another goal was scored but who cares. Final score: 2-o to Italy.

I can't believe I actually am going to have to sit through another bloody Italy game........


Blogger Davos Owl said...

Grooo-sso!! *shakes fist madly*

It had to be that snivelling weak turd that put his dirty Italian team past those wonderful Germans.

Can someone (I'm looking at you: France or Portugal) please stop these diving, pouting, prissy little divas from winning the World Cup?

They don't deserve anything except heartache - they are a disgrace.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VIVA LE BLEUR....i to am troubled by the prospect of supporting the french...i never felt i would ever feel sorry for the Keiser either...what the fuck is going on??? i don't like the portugese would be cool if those dirty little euro south americans beat the azzuri in the final by milking a penalty in the box...seems fitting.

7:14 PM  

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