Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Where is Round Ball Footy?

A lot of people have been asking what has happened to Round Ball Footy......

Well folks let me tell you Round Ball Footy is as good and strong as it has ever been, It is the fire in all our bellies, the love of the game, the passion it evokes, the joy and the sorrow it must be Round Ball Footy!

A couple of months have passed now since the debacle of the World Cup: Won by those cheating cheating swine. The pain lingers, but the hope for new era is strong. In less then 4 years we will still know we were robbed and The Azzuri will still know they are cheats. And we will be able to exact revenge.

We here at RBF have taken it upon ourselves to find out what happened. Off to europe I went to get the answer of the big question: Do they know they cheated?

In France I met a man. Couldn't speak a word of English but still had the nerve to say hahahaha. The Azzuri - 1, Socceroos - 0, low low blow, but I guess you come to expect that from the Itallians!

Well it took a long time and a few countries but it seems they know that Grosso is a cheat, and a dirty one at that.

Three proud Italians drunk at Oktoberfest finally admited that Grosso did dive.

It has taken three months and a whole different continent but now we can rest a little bit easier.Safe in the knowledge that at least three Itallians know they didn't deserve to beat us.

I wonder if there is anymore out there?

Rant over.