Thursday, July 13, 2006

Merci Zizou

Grosso you better watch out he's coming for you next!
Enjoy! I certainly did!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Super Tim, Super Tim, Super Timmy Cahill

How many dudes you know roll like this?
How many dudes you know flow like this?
Not many, if any!

Not many, if any

How many dudes you know got the skills to go and rock a show like this?

Uh-uh, uh-uh, I don't know anybody...

Thanks for the memories Timmy.

Monday, July 10, 2006

A gift from above

Oh how it hurts. Italy world champions. I cannot think of anything worse. At least we can take small solace in this gift from the Round Ball Footy gods. They feel sorry for the way they have treated our mighty Socceroos and are begging us to forgive them, so they give us......
Small consolation for the bull shit way we were kicked out of the cup, but at least it might take your mind off Italy winning the damn thing for a moment or two.

Why? Round Ball Footy Gods, Why?

Yes it's true, it's not a nightmare only contained in your head, don't bother pinching yourself so you can wake up from this horrible nightmare and it will all be fine because it won't!

Italy are World Champions, and now it is time to try and accept this absolute travesty. Oh and who would step up to take the decisive penalty? Yes folks Round Ball Footy's biggest cheater Grosso .

Why do you scorn us Round Ball Footy gods? We have done nothing but praise your greatness and yet you keep letting dirty stinking Grosso take to the field and help his cheating nation lift the World Cup. Why? Why? Why?

Please make it go away........ Please I beg of you.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tonight is the night

As the Spice Girls so famously sang "Tonight is the night, when two become one". Well for a few more hours there are two teams left but tonight truly is the night when two become one.

One team will be left standing and crowned World Champions.

Tonight pits the dirty Azzuri of Italy Vs the Stinky Les Blues of France in a no holds bared winner takes all contest, with the ultimate prize at the end of the game.....
Round Ball Footy Champions of the World!

Oh what could of been

Germany Third

Germany have managed to take a small consolation from the World Cup they have so proudly hosted by finishing in third.

While the game will probably not be remembered for much more than 24 hours, it did have a few special moments, but alas it didn't bring back those special feelings.

German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn, made his first appearance at the World Cup after being relegated to the bench for the serious part of the tournament, yes that part human part cyborg wall from 4 years ago finally got a game in this super battle for national pride. So that was nice.

Bastian Schweinsteiger scored with two piledrivers to set up victory for the Germans. Add an own goal by Portugal and a cheeky goal by Portugal (at the right end this time) and you finish with a final score of 3-1 congratulations Germany, at least your fans finally had something to be happy about.

Just a quick reminder, the final is on tonight, just in case you forgot.